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Allergies no more!

Anyone that knows me, is aware that I have suffered from allergies to basically everything around me since I was a child. I always have tissues on hand and I dread the spring season.

Well those days are over and I am here to tell you today how I cured my allergies!

Now I used to get very bad hay fever, allergic to grass, trees, scrubs or anything that was green or also that flowered, olive trees, cats, dogs, rabbits, horses, all animals with fur, some fruits when my allergies were at their peak, dust mites, mould and mildew. Those are the most severe ones that used to plague me every day. I lived with an asthma inhaler, antihistamines daily, sprays daily and lots of tissues!

We all lead very busy lives and I guess we just get caught up in it all, following our routines to get through our busy days.

And you don’t actually realise the extent until you disconnect.

My disconnection started with our 6 month trip to South America, I thought I would keep people regularly updated with Facebook posts and pictures. After arriving and with the locations we were travelling, I discovered I had no internet and was disconnected from home. Not able to check emails or updates daily, I started to focus on what was actually happening around me, rather than the ping of my phone every 10 minutes.

Then this journey continued in South America when we decided to spend 2 weeks in the Amazon jungle in Peru. No internet or connection with the outside world, other than the 8 other people that were staying in the lodge, power for 1 hour a day, water from the river to shower with and very hot days sitting around with not much to do.

So you have a lot of time to think, meditate and focus inward. We have all heard that there is a connection between our mental and physical health which has been talked about for centuries.

So we accept that there is a powerful connection between the body and mind, so our mental, emotional, spiritual, social and behavioural factors can directly affect our health.

Scientists are discovering links between stress and our health in recent years.

While you may not know what that exact emotion is, deep down, you know that this health symptom has developed from within your brain.

Spending time meditating and with the Healing Sharman helped with my focus and determination to heal.

In South America there are many Sharman’s and one element of energetic healing they use is Reiki.

I started to research Reiki and had some sessions while way in Peru. Already returning home, after my experiences, I already felt like my mind was on a different path and that I didn’t feel as sick as I was before I left.

So since then I have completed my Reiki to the first and second degree, practising Reiki on myself with affirmations every day.

Over the last 6 months, with the power of Reiki and my mind, I have cured my allergies completely! As in – I have no symptoms at all and I take no mediation for allergies either.

I have not felt the effects of any allergies on this side of things since I have been completing this practise.

So it looks like after all, the allergies were created by some emotional trigger in my mind that build and build until I had them every day.

Now having let go of that emotion (of what it was I am not sure) but my mind as let it go and allowed me to heal.

Clearing those blockages I had in my body and topping up my energy with our daily stresses we have in life has allowed me to be free from allergies for good!

I challenge you to put your phone on flight mode or don’t check your emails for an hour a day. Some of you may need to check more often for work but most of us actually don’t (even though its more a compulsion or habit to us) and could go for that one hour before checking – be strong!

Notice the difference in your mood during that time. Remove an element of stress from your life and take the first step to healing yourself!

If you want to read more about Reiki, I have a page with information on my website and I am a Reiki Practitioner. I would love to help you find a healthier you!

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