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How to get your Metabolism Going

Trying to lose weight with diet and workouts but failing again and again?

As we age its natural that our metabolism will slow down. But there is no reason we can’t maintain our current weight with a few simple changes.

Do you make excuses, feel sorry for yourself and when you get home after a busy day you just relax in front of the couch with a wine thinking how did this happen?

Take that step towards healthy changes and how you feel about your body. Take care of yourself and get your energy back and lose weight easily!

The first step is to get in touch with what you really want and why you want it.

Create a goal you want to achieve so you have something to aim for like learn how to cook healthy food, start walking 5km a day, join a gym and train 4 times a week, lose 5 kilos etc.

Put your goal up somewhere you can see it every day to keep focused on what you really want.

Now remember is is not going to happen overnight and you will need to be patient with yourself and don’t try to rush the process.

A person may have a slow metabolism for many reason but effectively it’s the time you body takes to convert your food into energy. Consuming the right foods affects your metabolism based on the amount of food you are eating, how often and the types of food. Some people are affected more than others. Eating more often will get your body into the mind set that it needs to keep working to process and digest the foods, if you skip meals, this could lead your body to conserve its energy as it doesn’t know when its going to be feed again! So having a slow metabolism, your body isn’t burning through the food as quickly so you don’t need as many calories to get the energy you need. But you don’t want to drop below 1200 calories a day or you body will go into starvation mode

Our bodies from a scientific point of view have different ways it controls our energy, our mood, sleep and manages our appetite with a circadian rhythm (our natural metabolic body clock).

Be mindful of what you are thinking!

Its now time to start thinking positively to achieve your goals.

When you think ‘I’m overweight’ this sends a message to your central nervous system. You will notice how it affects your digestive system efficiency. Try not to stress about your goal or have negative thoughts, your muscles will contract in the digestive tract and you are slowing down the processing of your food!

Instead, think negatively that ‘I am fat’ or about your goal, for example, if you want to lose 5 kg

focus on saying to yourself ‘I am slim and healthy, I love myself and my body’ or ‘Making small changes is becoming easier and easier’

If you are stressed, your metabolism will slow down.

Ditch the fad diets

This messes with your metabolic clock, your body will go into starvation mode and start to store food, it gets confused when to process the food or keep the calories for a backup.

The best way to get back on track is to change your lifestyle and have a real routine.

Sleep pattern

Get into a routine so your body knows when it needs to be tired and go to bed. Your body heals when it sleeps, don’t ignore your bodies natural body clock. It may take time to adjust but once you are in a routine, your body will tell you when its tired.

Don’t skip breakfast!

This is to break the fast after your body has been repairing and resting. If you skip breakfast your furnace its empty and you have not refuelled! Otherwise your body is still fasting and your metabolism will slow down, you will get tired and your body is not buring any calories.

Don’t skip meals!

If you are thinking you will just skip a meal to cut some calories out – you are doing it wrong! This will also slow your metabolism and you are actually making it harder to lose weight. There will be not energy left for your body to provide and your will feel sluggisth. You are much better to eat smaller meals more often to increase your metabolism.

Wake up with the sun

Ever wake up when the sun shines through the window, fall back to sleep and feel even more tired? That’s because your body clock is confused and it naturally wants to wake

up with the sun.

Watch your food combinations Some foods when combined together will slow down the digestion process, some taking up to 8 hours to process. Don’t eat protein meals (Acid based) with Starch meals (Alkaline based). Always eat fruit by themselves, especially melons!

Here are some quick tips on increasing your metabolism:

  • Eat more often

  • Drink Green tea – cleanses your body from toxins

  • Stay hydrated, drink lots of water

  • Exercise

  • Pay attention to your portion sizes (around 1200 calories to lose weight)

  • Add spices to your food

  • Get more protein

  • Fill up on fibre

  • Consume Low GI Carbohydrates

  • Eat foods with Antioxidants

  • Eat superfoods

  • Probiotics to boost good bacteria

  • Consume the good fats – essential fatty acids

  • Create a daily routine

  • Have empowering thoughts and ditch your negative feelings

  • Believe you can achieve your goal


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