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What is Reiki? All your questions answered

Reiki is a Japanese energetic healing therapy that promotes balance in mind, body, and spirit. Reiki means 'universal life force energy' and we have energy that flows through the human body. When this becomes low or a blockage occurs, we become sick, stressed and generally unwell.

Sometimes our Chakras become depleted and require balancing. They can affect use physically and emotionally.

The practitioner places the hands on or above the body in a non-invasive manner to restore this energy flow through the body.

This treatment does not interfere with any form of medical treatment.

Reiki Benefits

Your life energies will be balanced and it promotes general wellbeing and good health.

The Practitioner performs Reiki with pure intention and their hands become a channel for the energy, directing it where it is needed most in your body.

Come to the session with an open mind, ready for self discovery and willingness to receive.

If received regularly, other than assisting your general wellbeing, it can assist you will a number of emotional or physical life experiences:

Anxiety, Stress, Digestive problems, Headaches, Depression, Immune disorders, Back Problems, Blood Pressure, Relationship Issues, Pregnancy, Chronic Illnesses, Relocation and Grief.

REIKI - Frequently asked questions

What is involved in a treatment?

Reiki involves you lying on a table, comfortable and relaxed. The trained practitioner then places their hands on or just above your body in a non-invasive manner. This is a type of energy healing; Universal Life force Energy then takes places between a trained practitioner and client.

The client may feel a wave of energy, relaxed, tingling, calm mind and body. The body is balancing and clearing blockages of the body’s energy system including physical and emotional healing.

How Does Reiki Work?

The Reiki flows through the trained practitioner to the client to the affected parts of their energy field clearing the physical and emotional blockages.

The negative thoughts, feeling and physical body that require healing have a raised level in the energy field. Your life force will be connected and flow naturally with your aura energy field cleared.

Reiki will take the hands over the body where the energy is needed the most to heal emotionally and physically. Chakra healing can also be performed, where the Reiki practitioner will follow the seven Chakras through the body to heal and balance.

What is the duration of a session?

The treatment will vary depending on the persons needs. Bookings are available in 30 minute and 60 minute sessions with consultation before and afterwards.

You can also use Reiki in conjunction with your medical practitioners advice and religious beliefs.

What will I feel in a session?

You will feel the flow of energy in the form of warmth, tingling, muscle spasm or a chill.

Most people feel tension disappearing; their busy mind becomes still and a great sense of relaxation.

You may have a particular sensation as you release an old emotional conflict.

During the Reiki treatment and afterwards, you will feel joy and loving kindness on an emotional or spiritual level.

Everyone’s experience is different and you may have a completing different experience each time you have a treatment.

It's important to attend the session with an open mind and accepting to the treatment and to receive the energey you need.

How many sessions do I need?

Every individual person is different and it also depends on the emotional memory you are dealing with. Some people may not feel like they notice much after the first session as it works quietly away in the subconscious.

Others may notice a change immediately and feel a sense of relieve or a weight starting to lift of their shoulders.

This can take a few sessions to get the result you are looking for. As we have many emotional memories buried in our subconscious, every day stresses or even physical aliments, this is a type of treatment that could be an ongoing treatment. We pay to have relaxation massages and facials for example as they relax our bodies and make us feel good, this could also be achieved from Reiki if that is what you are also looking for.

Why have a Reiki treatment?

Need to address any areas of your life? Looking for direction, help dealing with depression, anxiety, isolation?

Get sick and tired often? Run down, aches or pains, physically exhausted?

Want more control of your LIFE? Looking at ways you can take charge of health and your general life? Feeling stressed with your busy life and racing mind?

Want help with any health issues? Any out of control health concerns, diseases, sleeping problems, taking medication and want a more natural option? What to lose some weight and having trouble getting there?

Is Reiki safe for everyone?

Yes! Reiki treatments are great for everyone, even babies and pregnant women. Babies respond well to Reiki and love it.

Reiki can help all of these and any other area of your life you want to improve or have any health concerns you are dealing with.

What does Reiki heal?

Reiki can help with many areas of your life, some that you may not be aware of! Just remember this does not substitute a medical practitioner.

There are many reasons to have a Reiki treatment and areas Reiki can heal, here are some, to list a few:

  • Relaxation of your body and mind, giving you a sense of peace

  • Helps you let go and release some deep subconscious emotions

  • Washes away your anxiety and stresses

  • Cleanses the toxins from the body

  • Helps with achieving better sleep

  • If you are spiritually minded, this will help you grow emotionally and spiritually

  • Dealing with the grieving process

  • Your energy levels will be improved

  • Helps with disorders, intolerances, allergies and diseases – for example Crohns, GERD, Coeliac, IBS etc

  • Improved digestion

  • Sleep assistance

  • Management of Pain

  • Surgery recovery assistance

  • You will have a heightened sense of awareness and intuition

  • Your self esteem will be raised

  • Assists with substance abuse recovery

  • Assists with mild psychosis illness

  • Helps with Chronic pain

  • Accelerates healing

  • Releases energy blockages in the body

  • Cancer

  • Weight loss assistance or weight control

So what are you waiting for?! Book a session now and make a life changing step to regain your life or have an amazing relaxation experience.

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About Pure Genki Wellness

Angela is a qualified Reiki practitioner, offering personal Reiki treatments in Perth, Western Australia.

Understanding spiritual illness, Angela uses Reiki as a treatment for a whole variety of emotional & physical problems.

These treatments do not substitute medical or psychological care.

Member of Australian Reiki Connection Inc.

Qualified to Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho Second degree in Usui System of Natural Healing.

Book your session or find out more about Angela -

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