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Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

My Coconut Oil Obsession

I love everything coconut and coconut oil is so amazingly diverse with some great health and beauty benefits as well as cooking uses. Some people use coconut oil in cooking but don’t think about all the other great ways you can use this great oil.

I use coconut oil in my hair, as skin moisturiser, to heal wounds, as sun protection, cleanser, in essential oil blends, with uses in cosmetic or skin products, deodorant, treating any dry skin and so much more!

There are a few different types of coconut oil so that’s a good place to start.

Unrefined coconut oil is left in a natural state after being pressed. Some brands may call this virgin coconut oil instead. This has a shelf life of 2 years and has a high smoke point of 175 degrees Celsius.

Refined coconut oil is refined a little more, this is to remove some chemicals and impurities during the processes of the coconut oil during extraction. Refining the coconut oil will also have a high smoke point to cook with.

This will have less of a coconut flavour, so if you are looking for that real coconut taste, stick with the unrefined. The Refined coconut oil does however become a little more versatile when you don’t want the coconut taste.

Do some research on the coconut oil before you buy it and then you will know what you are getting.

Is coconut oil high in fat? Yes, and no. While there are 14grams of fat per tablespoon of coconut oil, most of these saturated fats are medium-chain triglycerides. This means they will break down and are absorbed into the digestive tract straight to the liver and used for energy. So while it sounds bad, the fat will be used as energy and not stored like other saturated long-chain triglycerides in the body.

Fatty acids help your body absorb Vitamin A, D, E and K and your body wouldn’t be able to do this without them.

These medium-chain fatty acids the coconut oil is broken down into are actually some good fats to help the body fight bacterial infections, helps fight virus and fungi bugs in the body. Coconut oil can help fight of a common cold and other bugs and diseases.

One of the great things I love health wise, coconut oil is an anti-inflammatory in the body and and studies show it also works as a mild analgesic.

Some Health Uses for Coconut Oil

  • Coconut oil helps us improve our skin and acne, reducing the red and irritated skin

  • Penetrates your skin and keep moisturised to heal the skin

  • Use to treat skin conditions or disorders like eczema

  • Bronze up your skin with coconut oil and stay moisturised at the same time

  • Massage into the skin to relieve stress from the muscles

  • Remove stretch marks and impurities from the skin by massaging daily

  • Use as a natural lip balm

  • The antioxidants in the coconut oil keep the skill looking young and beautifully healthy

  • Make your own body scrub, toothpaste and soap with coconut oil as an ingredient.

  • Use it as a carrier oil for your essential oils

  • Massage coconut oil into the scalp to reduce flaky and itchy head

  • Make your own hair products for hair treatments, shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner and serums.

Weight loss with Coconut Oil

As we already mentioned, while coconut oil is a saturated fat, this is one of the good ones (medium-chain triglycerides) and wont have any effect on increasing your cholesterol levels.

  • First coconut oil will help improve your thyroid function which can be effecting your ability to lose weight.

  • Your metabolism will be increased as the MCT are going straight to your liver and break down easily converting to energy. This helps burn fat fasting in the body.

  • This increased energy happens without spiking your insulin so its low GI for your body

  • Everything else you eat will effect your weight loss outcome but this is a step in the right direction to increase your metabolism and get it moving again. This is part of a change in lifestyle as there is no quick fix to keeping healthy. Good foods, fitness and a healthy mind are the recipe to achieving your goals.

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