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Detox your body naturally

A detoxification is about reducing toxins we have in our body which has built up over time, we want to release this toxins and chemicals so the body can cope easier with disease and the organs can function easily with out stress we cause them. This detox occurs through sweat, bowel and urine from the body. Methods of detoxification can include a modified diet, fasting, sauna therapy, massage therapy, colon therapy, vitamin therapy, liquid diets, chelation therapy and water therapy. Any short term fast as a part of the detox should done in a safe manner with the supervision of a medical professional. There are side effects that can come with some of these treatments like weakness/dizziness, dark coloured urine, headaches and nausea, bad breath and skin rashes. Detoxification plays a role in good health and nutrition by the modified diet. If you are eating plenty of fibre, having vitamin C, drinking enough water; your body is more likely to have a cleansed and protected liver, a digestive tract that is functioning, less stress and healthier skin.

Guidelines for detoxification for the average person

  • Add a detoxifying smoothie to your daily routine

  • Modify your diet to include superfoods and foods rich in nutrients that are not processed or packaged foods

  • Get a nutrition plan from a nutritionist or dietitian

  • Eat organic foods or wash your fruit and vegetables thoroughly (to avoid or wash off pesticides, fertilizers and waxes)

  • Get a lymphatic drainage or Swedish massage occasionally

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Replace your coffees through the day with green or herbal tea

  • Exercise each day, even 30 minutes of intense exercise

  • You can get an acupuncture session if you are keen for an alternative option

  • Ensure you are eating fruits and vegetables with fibre

  • Fast one day every month for a detox cleanse under a medical practitioners supervision

  • Try to get more sleep every night – at least 7 hours

  • Add Antioxidants or probiotics to your diet

  • Meditate or take a yoga class for some deep breathing and relaxation

  • Speak to a naturopath or herbalist to get some natural herbs to cleanse your liver, kidneys, lungs, skin and bowel.

  • Sweat in a sauna – perspiration will help the detoxification process

  • Do something for your mind to relax and de-stress

  • Journal – each morning, spend 5 minutes and write what you are grateful for. This helps clear the mind and reduces your thoughts of stress (Stress Control)

  • One day of safe fasting under supervision can allow the body to clear and recover. Some fasting options are herbal teas, water, fresh juice or one type of food

Avoiding process foods

This can be a tricky one for some people as almost all of the aisle in the shopping centre are packages and processed foods. Heavy marketing and advertising lead people to believe that they are actually eating foods that are good for them.

Start by modifying your diet, you may need some help from a nutritionist or dietitian. Get them to provide a supermarket tour or some shopping tips. Start by 80% of your shopping trolley should be filled with fruit and vegetables that are suitable for you (if you have any diseases or conditions, be sure to speak to your medical practitioner). Attending health and food seminars to understand more of what you are eating can help.

Diet modification has a huge impact if you eat a large amount of foods with chemicals and toxins, your PH is not balanced and your diet will play a huge part in your energy and health.

Keep a food journal and do a full detoxification once a month to allow the body to cleanse.

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