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Leptospermum Honey

I recently purchased some Australian Leptospermum honey! This is a high-grade therapeutic honey which is like Manuka honey from New Zealand.

It has healing properties that are antibacterial; studies have shown it can repair and regenerate human tissue, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and supports our immune system.

Manuka, alongside Jelly Bush Trees are a species of the Leptospermum trees, commonly known as Tea Trees.

In Australia, we have over 80 species of Leptospermum trees and recent studies have showed some have the presence of methylglyoxal reading (MGO), which is shows the same antibacterial properties as Manuka.

So, you can apply this awesome honey on cuts, burns and other injuries to fight the infection. Use on sore throats for IBS and GERD/GORD.

In general, raw unprocessed honey is well known as a powerful antioxidant and helps treat various inflammatory conditions. Note: The Leptospermum honey advises not to give to infants under 12 months.

I use my MGO honey (this will be displayed jar of your Manuka or Australian Leptospermum honey) in the morning with Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), doing this on an empty stomach. Suffering from GERD, I’ve had a lot of acid reflux dramas in the past and always looking for natural solutions to help with this. I’ve used this for years now and it instantly calms the stomach and prepares me for the day.

Apple cider vinegar is high in acetic acid which is a natural antibacterial and is made from fermenting crushed apples. This can kill of bacteria and can be used as an antiseptic on the skin to speed up wound healing and helps keep the skin clear. ACV alkalizes the body, getting your PH levels back to normal.

ACV also makes you feel full, reduces insulin levels, detoxifies the body and there have been studies that show it also assist with fat burning and weight loss.

I prepare this drink by placing 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of ACV and a cup of water together. I use boiling water as I find this helps with my digestion but can be used with room temperature water.

Always consult your medical practitioner if you have any illnesses, diseases or are taking any medications.

If you are looking for an alternative holistic approach, give this medicinal grade honey a go!

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