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Chia Pudding

Chia Pudding

Chia seeds are a great plant-based source of Omega 3, Omega 6, Fibre and Protein.

It also has heaps of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

I have rekindled my love for the chia seed after discussing at work and no one really understanding them and the benefits they provide.

You can put these seeds in smoothies, yoghurt, salads and cereals. For those playing at home, these little babies swell A LOT so just remember that when you are sucking back your smoothie you have whipped up at the last second before walking out the door.

I like to prepare my smoothie the night before or a least that morning for later on, so the texture has time to change and I can enjoy it.

The blended and whole grain chia seed have a completely different texture, the blended version has a smoother pudding type texture. I personally love the whole seed texture when soaked.

So, what is Chia pudding? It’s a yummy way to enjoy the benefits of Chia pudding. It’s a great snack, on the go breakfast or dessert option. You can use your re-usable containers/jars. Soak the Chia seeds in the liquid (recipe below), let them expand and get a gel like texture. Then they are ready for you to top with fresh fruit, dried crushed nuts, shredded coconut or whatever you like!

Chia Pudding Recipe -

½ cup Chia seeds

2 cups Coconut milk (You can use the unsweetened carton type or the tin (I use the small tin and add 1 ½ tins of water to the coconut water)

½ tsp Vanilla extract

¼ cup Honey, maple syrup or date syrup

¼ tsp Cinnamon (optional)

Blend all ingredients expect the chia seeds by hand or blender. Then by hand stir in the chia seeds. (If you like the blended chia seed version, add chia seeds when blending)

Pour mixture into your jars or containers and refrigerate for at least 4 hours to let it gel. I usually do mine in the evening so it’s ready the next day.

Shake container or mix within the first hour of placing in the fridge as it begins to set/gel to have an even mixture.

Then enjoy!

Chia seeds have 20.4g of Protein (per 100g) and 37.5g of Dietary Fibre (per 100g). With 19.3g Omega 3 and 7.19g of Omega 6, this is a great food to add to your diet, especially if you are vegetarian.

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