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Incapable of rotting

Most foods these days are processed in some way, I guess the difference I’m talking about is between mechanical processing and chemical processing.

If it's a single ingredient food with no added chemicals, then it doesn't matter if it's been ground or processed down and packaged up. It's still real food.

However, foods that have been chemically processed and made mostly from refined ingredients and artificial substances, are what is generally known as ‘processed food’.

Here are some ways that processed foods are bad for your health:

  • Low in Nutrients & Fibre Processed foods are extremely low in essential nutrients compared to whole, unprocessed foods. In some cases, synthetic vitamins and minerals are added to the foods to compensate for what was lost during processing. White bread is a good example of this. Synthetic nutrients are NOT a good replacement for the nutrients found in whole foods. Real foods, like plants and animal foods, contain thousands of other trace nutrients that you will never get from processed food. And let’s not forget fibre, which we need in our diets; one of the main reasons is that it functions as a prebiotic, feeding the friendly bacteria in the intestine. You won’t find this naturally in highly processed high GI foods.

  • High sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup Processed foods and beverages are the biggest sources of added sugar in the food we buy. Sugar is very unhealthy and can have serious adverse effects on metabolism when consumed in excess. It’s an empty calorie – high in energy/calories but no nutrients. So, you aren’t putting sugar in your coffee anymore so your safe? Wrong! It’s loaded in all that processed food you are buying; It can lead to insulin resistance, high triglycerides, increased levels of harmful cholesterol, increased fat accumulation in the liver and abdominal cavity. Sugar consumption is strongly associated with some of the world's leading killers; including heart disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer.

  • Contain artificial ingredients If you look at the ingredients label for a processed, packaged food, you won't have a clue what some of the ingredients are. Many of the ingredients in there aren't actual food, they are artificial chemicals that are added for various purposes. They are named or coded so you won’t actually know what’s in there and there are loads of artificial chemicals that are not listed on the packaging. Highly processed foods often contain: Preservatives: Chemicals that prevent the food from rotting. Colourants: Chemicals that are used to give the food a specific colour. Flavour: Chemicals that give the food a particular flavour. Texturants: Chemicals that give a particular texture. Take the stamp of approval on the use of these with a grain of salt..

  • Addicted to junk food For most people, junk foods can hijack the biochemistry of the brain, leading to addiction and cause them to lose control over their consumption. Who isn’t addicted to some salty or sweet snack? With advertising and so much processed food around, addiction to processed foods is a hug problem in today’s society.

  • High in refined carbohydrates Ok, so carbs are controversial subject, some people believe you should load up on them and others omit them from their diet. Most processed foods are high in carbohydrates, and they are refined kind. "Simple" carbohydrates are quickly broken down in the digestive tract, leading to rapid spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels. You know that low you feel after eating that snack from the vending machine? And then you feel like you need another for your next pick me up? This can lead to carb cravings a few hours later when blood sugar levels go down again. This phenomenon is also called the "blood sugar roller coaster," which many people who have been on a high-carb diet can relate to. Eating a lot of refined carbohydrates is associated with negative health effects and many chronic diseases.

Processed food is usually high in trans fats and sodium too which can cause loads of other problems. This is not an exhaustive list otherwise we would be here all day, but it gives you the general idea about what you are getting when you eat ‘processed foods’.

When we replace real foods like fish, meat, fruit and vegetables with processed foods, we increase our risk of illness and poor health.

Real food, organic produce, is the key to good health, processed food is not.

Just some food for thought ; )

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